Call us today for a free consultation on +44(0)845 1800 111


Asset Protector coating systems are applied in a variety of ways to suit the asset or machine and environment of operation. Applying methods

It is applied using basic tools such as trigger spray bottles and pressure sprayers up to professional electric heated spray systems and our own Professional DIY application system in a box kit.

We can provide an application service if you prefer not do it yourself, however most clients prefer to be trainied by us so as to allow them to do a self application.  We do the training either via remote online sessions or if required we provide full a on site training service. Just talk to us to work out what suits your needs.

Below are pictures of some of our applications being done, showing unprotected machines and assets vs protected. There is also a general selection of machines and assets that we coat.  At the end is a few pictures of our “application system in a box kit” too.

We always provide detailed advice on how to gain the most out of your Asset Protection application in between treatments.

Asset Protector Contact us 2

Contact us today for a free consultation to see how Asset Protector can help your business on +44(0)845 1800 111.